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Las Posadas
Lent 2023
Mothers Day
CAFOD FAST DAY Jerusalema Dance in aid of The Good Life Orphanage
Walk to Jerusalem- our final walk
Lent -Whole school worship
Vocabulary Dress Up Day
Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day
Laudato Si Themed week
Luxury Hamper Raffle draw
Advent 2021
Supporting and celebrating excellence in English and mathematics provision
Year 2 Remembrance Day Assembly 2021
Remembrance Day 2021
Year 6 Leavers Assembly
Sports Week
A Reception journey - Children new to EYFS
Dyslexia Friendly
Federation Proposal
Whole school Rosary - May the Month of Mary
Vocabulary Dress Up Day - A whole school dictionary
OLOL book week - Masked reader REVEAL
OLOL book week - Masked Reader Clues
OLOL book week - The Masked Reader!
Jerusalema Dance Challenge
Walk with me in Lent
Holy Week GIFT Team PART 1
Holy Week GIFT Team PART 2
Holy Week GIFT Team PART 3
British Science Week 2021
Year 2 Remote Education
Reception Videos January 2021 for Remote Education
Celebrating Our Differences
Year 5 RE Judaism
Remembrance Day
Virtual Rosary
Year 6 leaver’s assembly
A tour of our school and Foundation Stage
New Intake 2020
Reception Teachers
New Reception Children - A Story
A message from Mrs Osmond to Year 1 September 2020
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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury
Lockdown Nativity 2020
Updated version
GIFT Team Worship The true meaning of Christmas
Year 4 - Third Sunday of Advent, Collective Worship
Christingle Service